Monday, May 7, 2007

I miss Caleb :(

Yep, the dreaded day has come - it's my first day at work. It was sooooo hard to get in my car and leave my little boy at home. Work is good (cool friends, good free food), but boy do i miss my little Caleb! I wanna go home and hear him laughing and see his little dimples and chubby feet. :) I'm super thankful for my mom, who is staying with us and taking care of Caleb. Caleb is definitely in good hands!

Oooh, I meant to blog about this last Friday. Caleb said a whole bunch of "hi"s! We had a "hi" went something like this:
Me: Hi Caleb!
Caleb: Hi
me: *surprised* Hi!!!!
Caleb: Hi
Me: Hello!
Caleb: Hi
Me: Hi!!!!
Caleb: *smile* (He was probably thinking..."OK mom, I've said 'Hi' enough already...leave me alone!")

Here's a newly-uploaded (but slightly old) video for your enjoyment. I think i'll go hide in the mother's room and watch some Caleb videos. :P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I had such a cute baby, I'd miss him too!
But I'm happy that my lunch buddy is back at work. Funny video by the way!