Monday, June 30, 2008

The little library thief

Yet another overdue Caleb update...

Caleb is still a total sponge, absorbing everything he sees and copying. Here's one sponge-related tidbit:

Grandma Shen has been taking Caleb to the library several times a week (there's one walking distance from our house, across from a park where he plays almost every day). Aparently, he's observed my mom pick out books/videos and check them out using the electronic checkout stand. About a month ago, Caleb picked out a video (a Russian Video!) and pushed the library stool to the electronic checkout stand. Took my mom's keychain, climbed up the stool, and placed the correct library card key fob underneath the red library card bar code scanner. (Pretty impressive that he got it to scan too! Mommy has trouble with it sometimes :P). He then put the video underneath the scanner as well. He then got off the stool with his video and started to walk out! But since he didn't key in the pin number (the key pad is too high for him), it didn't actually get checked out and the alarms started to sound as Caleb tried ot make a break for it with the Russian video. My mom picked him up and the librarian came out to find the little guilty culprit. Since that first time, Caleb has attempted this same heist at least 2 other times as Grandma Shen looked on. :)

Since I'm usually the one taking the gazillion Caleb pics & videos, I don't have a picture of this :( But here's a random pic of Caleb playing at the library.

Hmmmm...much more to say, and many other stories, but for now I'll leave you with pictures!

Pics of Caleb from Birth through 18 months have been uploaded here:

Pics of Caleb from 18 months up can be found here:

Admittedly, I'm terrible at keeping blogs up to date. But I have been pretty good about keeping these pics up to date.

some quick highlights from his 18th month: eating with forks!
- hanging out with his "girlfriends" (yes, there's 4 total). He loves to share with them and *gasp* even holds Yvette's hand.
- Playing with Grandma & Grandpa Shen
- trying to "kick" in his kungfu outfit from china
- hanging out (and giving hugs) to his cousin Christopher
- and lots of fake smiles.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Uncle Victor!

Happy Bday uncle Victor! See you next month :)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

18ish month update

As usual, I'm bad at blogging, so there's tons of updates. I'll just mention a few that come to mind :)


  • Caleb is talking more and more! He now recognizes and says most of the basic colors. He also added "O" to the list of letters he knows. His favorite letters are "A" and "O" by far. He LOVES to show off that he can recognize these letters. So if he sees one somewhere, he'll point to the sign/shirt/object/label and say "mama...A! dada...A! mama...A! dada...A!!" likewise with "O."
  • Yesterday Caleb learned to put his finger over his mouth and say "shhhhh!" So if you tell him "Caleb, be quiet" he'll go "shhhhh." You can try it next time :)
  • More hand motions - He knows the hand motions to the wheels on the bus, teddy bear teddy bear, and some others. i forget now. He finds "the wheels on the bus" and "dian chong chong" funny, so sometimes we him to smile for pictures by singing those. (it also works if you say "Caleb say 'Cheese!'" And if you say "Caleb, smile!" you get a very fake, toothy smile. it's cute though :) ).
  • Caleb's new thing is that he LOVES keys. He says "thees, thees" (for "keys, keys") and tries to stick them in the door keyholes. He gets really excited whenever he sees any keys!

  • Most recently, we went to Greece! Pictures are posted here:

    Here's a random sample:

    Caleb was super good on the flight. He loves smiling at and playing peekaboo with the other passengers (he says "ba boo"). He also loved the animals in Greece! You'll find lots of pics of him playing with puppies and kittens. He also found the donkeys really funny (although he insisted that they were horses). There's also some pics of him and a Greek girl who really liked him (she progressed from hand holding to tummy rubbing, to tickling.)

  • We had 2 weekdays off before we left for Greece, so we took Caleb to Monterey Aquiarium and Happy Hallows (park and zoo in San Jose).

  • And we also went to LA earlier in May. Pics here:

    It was definitely nice visiting family. The other baby in here is Caleb's cousin Cori :)

Other Tidbits

  • Also before we left, there was a heat wave in the bay area. Caleb sported his first wife beater.

    I think he was pretty happy with it because he had easy access to his belly :).

Caleb also had fun playing with uncle Jonathan as he visited and with Uncle Raymond & Auntie Sandra, Auntie Gina & Uncle Eric, his GrX buddies, and his family. :)

See pics from Caleb's 17 month old here:

Random Caleb Stories

  • Caleb's new thing is that he likes to "go to work" like mama and dada. He tries to put on our shoes, takes gabe's laptop bag (because gabe's rolls ;) ), takes our keys and/or cell phone, goes to the garage door and says "bye bye, bye bye." It's totally cute. I have a picture of him doing it, so I'll need to upload it sometime :)

    OK, I was going to blog more, but this meeting is over and I better get back to work. To be continued (I hope, no promises :) )