Since Caleb was born, we've had him sleep in a mini co-sleeper next to our bed. (It's like a cradle that attaches to your bed). It was definitely nice during the early days filled with mid-night feedings. And even though the midnight feedings stopped, it was still nice to be able to lean my head over and see my baby boy sound asleep. We originally decided to get the mini co-sleeper instead of the full size because we figured we'd move Caleb to his crib when he was around 3 months. Well, he started outgrowing the co-sleeper about a month ago, but it was too hard for me to part with Caleb for the night, so we kept him next to us a while longer (even though his arms would hit the sides when he flailed them about). But alas, I've had to face my night-time separation anxiety and Caleb's moved into his crib in his own room a little over a week ago.

I must say, it's hard to sleep without Caleb next to me (even though he's in the bedroom right next to mine and I can hear his breathing through the monitor). I can't imagine how hard it's going to be when I go back to work next month! :(
oh man, that's rough. he's got his own crib, next it's his own 'hood...
In all seriousness, yeah going back to work would be rough! hm... does he still fit in desk drawers?
Cute crib/nursery for a super cute baby!
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