Monday, July 21, 2008

19 month update

Caleb's getting very big now! He learns new things everyday. I can't really remember everything, but here's my attempt to jot down some things that happened in Caleb's 19th month.
  • Caleb says I love you!
    He started this about 2 weeks ago or so. I was working on my laptop next to him as he played with his toys. He stopped, walked over, put his hand on my shoulder and said "I lolololove mama" (he says "lololololove" instead of "love" probably because I tell him "I love love love love love my Caleb!").

    I was SO happy that I picked him up and ran to my mom and said "Caleb said 'I love mama!'"). He smiled at her and said "I lolololove Wai Poa!" Of course, my mom was thrilled too. :) We then took him to Daddy, who was still sleeping, and he said "I lolololove dada." Gabe slept through it, but I woke him and made Caleb say it again :)
  • Caleb says "Caleb"
    Caleb's always called himself "baby." When he sees pictures of himself, he says "Baby." If you say, "where's Caleb?" he points to himself and says "baby." (Auntie Allison also taught him to point to himself and say "baby" if you ask him "who's the cutest baby in the world). But now, if you ask him "What's your name?" he says "Caleb" (it's really more like "K-luh" or "K-buh" depending on his mood. every now and then he gets a pretty good "Ca-leb" in there though).

    Still, he reverts to "Ca-baby!" whenever he can. He knows the right answer (if you bribe him with something he wants, he'll always answer "Caleb," but if he's not being bribed, he may still answer "Ca...BABY!"
  • Caleb knows his numbers
    This was actually a surprise discovery. He has the leapfrog leappad book (he loves this!) and one of the pages has the numbers 1-5 on it. As he was playing with it, I asked him to find number 1. He touched the number 1 with his leap pad pen. So I asked him #2, he did the same to #2, etc etc to number 5. Then I went out of order. I was pretty shocked that he knew this since I never taught him it (my mom says she didn't either). He doesn't know past 5 though :) Maybe he'll magically learn that sometime too. He also continues to learn more letters...
  • Shhhhhh!!
    A while back, at least a few months ago, Caleb learned to put his finger over his lip and say "shhhhhh!" when you say "quiet." Since he'd then resume to be loud again after saying "shhh" i realized he didn't qutie get the meaning. But now, he totally does. A few days ago, Caleb woke up pretty early (6:45 ish?) and I was still really tired. When he wakes up, he usually stands in his crib and yells "mama!" So I went to get him and told him "Caleb, mama's still tired. I'll bring you into bed with dada and I, but you have to be quiet, ok?" He nodded and said "shhhhh!" So I put him in bed, he smiled at me and held my hand. I fell asleep pretty quickly and woke up about half an hour later to find my baby still laying there, playing with his hands in the air, and smiling.
  • Using his fork and spoon
    Caleb's also now able to eat his whole meal with his own fork and spoon. Yay! Now mama and daddy don't have to take turns feeding him when we're out :) Of course, he makes quite a mess on his face though :P
  • Dancing and Singing
    A lot of times, Caleb sings to himself and dances and does handmotions. Sometimes we can figure out what song he's doing, sometimes it's difficult since he doens't sing it quite right :) He's getting really good at "Row Row Row your boat" lately though. Although he sings it "row row row row row, row row row row row...row row row, row, row, row...etc" every now and then, he throws a "boat" in, but it's usually just "rows." I've been trying to capture this with my camera, but he gets too distracted (just like the "I lolololove mama"). Maybe sometime soon :)

Other than that, it's just a lot of playing, running around, laughing, etc. Oh, a few new Caleb Videos have been uploaded.

There's a lot of them, here's a few of my favs:

  • Caleb always says "uh oh" if he drops something, if his shoes fall off, if something is out of place, or if his pants are falling (like this) :)

  • Caleb playing Grandpa Shen's harmonica. (after which, Grandpa Shen said "it sounds funny...I think Caleb had a LOT of drool! haha)

  • Eating sour kumquats. For some reason, he likes to eat sour things, even though he doesn't like it :)

  • Bedtime silliness. Caleb always laughs for no good reason around bedtime because he doesn't want to go to bed. So whenever he has his PJ's on and his face lubed up with aquafor, he gets super gigglie. The video gets blurry half way through because he touches the lens with his aquafor hands!

  • Caleb fake laughing. We can always make Caleb laugh by laughing ourselves, even if it's at nothing :)

1 comment:

It's June! said...

caleb is so smart- he knows his numbers?? eleanora has a lot of catching up to do!