Last Thursday, we took Caleb to the doctor again for his 6 month checkup. Here's how he measured up:

So yeah, he's getting longer & longer compared to the national average & is relatively normal in weight & head size (boy do babies have big heads! :P).
Anyway, its hard to believe my little Caleb is 6 mos now. I used to roll my eyes (at least mentally behind a polite smile :) ) when people used to say things like "it seems like just yesterday you were a little girl/baby only this big!" But that's totally how I feel! And yet at the same time, I feel like Caleb has been in our life much longer than a mere half year.
It's amazing how parenthood changes you. For one, I've gotten much physically stronger; the fact that my weak arms can actually carry a 17+lb baby is a miracle in itself. But much more than that, I experience deeper love & joy than ever before. I think of Caleb every second I'm awake and the things that used to make me happy pale in comparison to the things that I think might make Caleb happy. Even at my busiest moments, I hear his laughter and see his sweet smile in my head. This truly is the best time in my life. I've been sooooo richly blessed that God has entrusted me with such a precious life.
Here's another random video of Caleb throwing the ball around: