A couple days ago, I discovered that Caleb can count from 1 to 10! Caleb has been able to read the numbers for a couple of months now, but we never really explicitly taught him how to count. But we were reading a book that had a lot of cats, and I asked him "How many cats are there?" and he pointed to each different cat, counting "One, two, three...." Gabe and I were shocked and pleased with this discovery. :) I think he was pretty pleased that we were pleased and so now he'll count from 1-10 if you ask him to. Here's a video of him doing so:
I added some subtitles in case you can't tell what numbers he's saying. Some of his numbers aren't that clear. He also sometimes gets stuck on "Seven," but he's gotten a lot better. (He used to say: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6....5, and then look confused. haha)
Animal Impressions
Caleb was looking through his Curious George book (Which he calls his "Monkey Book") and in it he saw a picture of a penguin. He pointed at it and said "mmmmm" (which is what he says when he wants me to tell him what it is). So I said "that's a penguin." Caleb then stood up and started trying to act like a penguin! We never ever taught him that, but when he walks around in his sleepsack, we usually say something like "you look like a little penguin!" so I guess he remembered that. Since Gabe was working late that day, I started to film it to show Gabe. When he stopped doing his penguin impression, I asked him to do a chicken impression (not sure what he'd do). Turns out, he does a pretty good Chicken impression. Later I found out that he'll also do a duck impression. For cats and dogs, he just makes the noise, he doens't really act like them, although he has crawled around barking/meeowing. :) Here's some videos I took that first day of his impressions:
(that one was when I first disovered his Chicken. Below is another video I shot shortly afterwards)
Bye Bye Home!
I also realize that I forgot to mention that we sold our place last month and so Caleb moved out of his first home. Here's some pics of our last minutes at the house (Caleb picked some more appples from our backyard before we left)
As we pulled away for the last time, Caleb waved and said "bye bye home." Since then, he actually does this a lot. For example, when we drive and he sees a "mama car" (prius), he'll say "bye bye mama car" as we leave. When he poops a bubble at Gymboree, he says "bye bye bubble." When he eats a blueberry (his new fav) he says "bye bye blue baby" (which is what he calls blueberries :P)
Anyway, hopefully we'll find a new better home soon! In the mean time, we're staying with Caleb's Nai Nai and Yie Yie (Grandma and Grandpa Tang).
One thing mama had to say bye bye to is her trusty Camera. It broke :( So there will be a bit of a hiatus in Caleb pics and videos. I've been eyeing a new canon that they don't seem to have in stores (at least the ones I've looked at recently) so I'll probably have to order it. In the meantime, I have uploaded some new pics at Caleb's picasa site and some new Caleb videos on youtube.
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