He was super happy (and super well behaved) on the plane! In fact, Caleb is usually pretty shy when meeting people he's not used to in places he's not used to - he's not usually his super-happy self unless it's just a few people over at our place. But on the plane, he was very outgoing - laughing, talking, and trying to look at/get the attention of the others on the plane. He also ate well and slept well on the plane.

Caleb also adjusts amazingly well to jetlag. He adjusted to hawaiian time right away and adjusted back to cally time instantly. It was SUCH a relief. I thought I'd be getting up at 3:30 with him everyday...but he actually slept till 7am or later every day that we were there!

Caleb loved the hotel we stayed at on Maui. They had swans, ducks, penguins, parrots, and other birds that he loved looking at (plus of course, his favorite - trees!). He also loved looking at the waterfalls, playing in the pool, and looking at the beach. Caleb could stare and stare at the ocean with delight, but being in the ocean was another story ;) He just kind of looked blankly at the water around him the way he does a new person he's not used to. Oh well, maybe next time he'll be better aquainted with Mr. Pacific.

He was also super happy on our hike in Oahu...that is, until he fell asleep :) In usual Caleb style, he was talkative, smiley, and kickey in the begining of the hike hwen things aren't that interesting, and right before we get to the exciting look out point, he falls asleep! This time the wind at the top of diamond head woke him up though so he did get to enjoy the scenery and he stayed up on the way down. Phew!

I must say, the best part of going on vacation is getting to hang out with my boys all day :) Anyway, here's the rest of our pics from hawaii:
Wow, Caleb REALLY looks like Sanj! Really nice pics btw!
hi Sandra, looks like you guys had a lot of fun travelling with baby Caleb! Hopefully we'll be able to travel soon too! OUr baby boy Ethan Josiah is 5 months old now. Time flies. Anyway, good to hear about your mommying stories...found you through Victor's page.
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