Here's some Caleb updates:
Tooth #6! Tooth #5 (top left) has started peeking through the gums. So now Caleb has his 2 bottom teeth and 4 top teeth.
New Hobbies: Dropping things
Caleb's new fascination is dropping things. He LOVES to drop things onto the floor. He'll walk around (hanging onto something), grab an object, and drop it on the floor. Then he'll stare at it a bit, kick it around, then try to pick it up. It sounds simple, but picking it up is rather difficult for him since he has to lean on the couch, exersaucer, table, or something of the sort to hold himself up. So he takes a few steps back, holds himself up with one arm and with the other really hard to get the item. He makes all sorts of noises like he's really really trying to stretch and reach it. Eventually after a while of trying, he's usually successful (or he sits and grabs it if he really can't get it). After all that effort, you'd think he'd be happy with his accomplishment. But no, he picks up the item, looks at it for less than 5 seconds, and drops it again. Then he restarts the whole process. Such a strange little boy :)
New Hobbies: Playing with laptops

Caleb is quite fascinated with our laptops. He actually frequently IMs people that I'm chatting with. He actually hits enter too (my enter key is blue, so it's probably easy for him). So some of you may have gotten some messages from Caleb. It's usually something like
ajsf;leja;ef okk[okp'oplop oooooooooo '']]]]]]]
which i like to interpret as "glad we're buddies!" But seriously, Caleb loves our laptops. Sometimes, I'll leave the room for one second to grab something and as soon as he sees me walk away, he makes a mad dash for my laptop. He starts hitting keys, touching the screen etc. Sometimes I'm shocked as to what he's accomplished in the short amount of time he has frantically pushing random keys. For example, he's managed to change my desktop picture, change my screen resolution, upgrade firefox, close documents (without saving!), initiate chat conversations, continue chat conversations, and of course, crash my browser ;) That's my little boy! I do have some footage of this, but I need to find it to upload it :) (Embarrassing confession: I'm on my 16th dvd of Caleb footage.) In the mean time, here's a pic. This is what happened when I went to prepare his food.
But yes, he's definitely a child of technology. I let him play with my cell phone sometimes and found that he's called gabe on it! When gabe is on speaker phone, he also points at it and says "Da da!"
New Skills: High-Five
Caleb learned quite a few new things. He's really good at repeating what we do (he clicks his tongue when we click our tongue, claps when we clap or sing "if you're happy and you know it," hides when we hide, and sticks his super long tongue out when we do it...see below)

So another new thing he learned is to give high-fives! So try it out next time you see him.
New Activity: Coloring
While we were in Hawaii, one of the restaurants gave Caleb a box of crayons. At the time, I figured he'd just eat them, so I didn't let him play with them. But about a month ago, another restaurant gave him crayons again. This time, I figured it'd be fun for him to try out (true) and perhaps he wouldn't eat it (yes, I was thinking madness. Of course he'd want to eat them too!).

So he now loves to play with crayons. The weird thing is, he'll sometimes just look at them and play with the crayon paper, sometimes doodle on paper, but mostly to color the crayons themselves. What I mean is he hold one crayon in his left hand and one on his right. He takes the one in his right hand and colors on the wrapper of the crayon on his left. Then he does the reverse. So a lot of his crayons have different colored wrappers. :)
Caleb is singing more and more now! He's got more variety in his songs compared to his original song. I've got lots of video of it, so I plan on uploading something when I get the chance. again, I need to find it first :)
Caleb's getting really good at walking. He still requires to lean on something, but he's not so wobbly anymore and can move around pretty quickly. He actually tries to stand on his own every now and then. He's usually successful for a few seconds. He's pretty good at finding a path of things to hang on to and can take a step in between things if necessary. We really have to step up the baby proofing!
Caleb is still saying his usual, "Hi" (although less frequently), "Hey" (more frequently), "Dada" and "Mama" (most frequently) and "bye bye." The unfortunate thing is he usually says "bye bye" after I've hung up the phone or after the person he's saying bye bye to has left. For gabe and I, he's actually pretty good about saying "bye bye" when we're leaving. (he even says "bye bye mama" or "bye bye dada"), but I find it to be like snufulufagus since he rarely does it in front of people. Gabe can attest, I'm not making it up! :)
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