- Milestones: Caleb now has 4 teeth! The 2 on the bottom are pretty much fully out now (I think). The one on the right on top is out a little bit, and the one on the top left just poked through his gums this morning. yay!
- Milestone 2: Caleb eats cheerios now! Actually he has been for a few weeks. It's super cute watching him. He makes some really funny faces inthe process of eating his cheerios, I've gotta video it someday.
- Milestone 3: Caleb went swimming for the first time yesterday! I'll probably post another post on that later.
I think he's had quite a few other milestones, but it's been so long now. I guess I'll just post about it later :)
Anyway, today I've decided to write about Caleb's progress in the park :) Since we live really close to a park and because Caleb LOVES trees, I used to always take him to the park to walk around when he was really little. Now that he's bigger, these park trips are much more fun since he can play on the playground equipment. When we first put him on the swing (on Gabe's lap or on my lap), he threw his arms up and looked like so scared:

So actually we thought he didn't like the swing (which was weird because he used to love his cradle swing). But we found out he actually LOVES going on the swing by himself.
We also tried him on the slide (with me). He seemed to react to the slide the way he did when he went on the swing with Gabe and me. It makes me wonder if he'll be less afraid by himself, but there's no way I'm gonna let him slide down a slide alone!
Anyway, Caleb's had an exciting few weeks and he's got some adventures coming up...Vegas, Hawaii, LA (again) and several weddings. YAY! Hopefully I'll be better about updating :)
yay!! supercute :)
The Caleb posts are back! Yeah! I love the picture of him where he looks scared. SO cute!
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