well do you know your nursery rhymes? i always laugh at
Gabe because he doesn't remember the lyrics to the most common nursery rhymes (like twinkle twinkle little star,
itsy bitsy spider, etc).
Gabe used to sing different songs to C
aleb while he was still in the womb...but whenever he tried to sing a
kiddy song, he'd need a lot of help on the lyrics from me or from
google. :) once when i started singing baa baa black sheep he said "what the heck? baa baa black sheep? don't make stuff up! why don't i sing moo moo brown cow." what a silly hubby.
anyway, the other day G
abe was trying to sing BINGO to
Caleb. so he started singing (to the tune of Old McDonald)..."Old McDonald had a dog..." I quickly
interrupted him and said "Old McDonald had a
FARM..." Gabe paused, and replied "See, that's what i thought, but the farm's name is Bingo? Old McDonald had a farm and Bingo was his name-o. B-I-N-G-O..."
actually left me stumped. I couldn't remember the tune to Bingo and I couldn't think of the regular words to Old McDonald had a farm...and why the heck would his farm be named Bingo anyway? :) Anyhow, I actually had to do a quick search to remember Old McDonald had a farm...e-i-e-i-o (what the heck does e-i-e-i-o mean anyway?) and to remember that the farmer had the dog named Bingo. Maybe in a few years, Caleb will be correcting my
nursery rhyme sad, so sad...
posted by: mommy