OK, another blog bundle since I haven't updated in a while :)
Lets see, since I last posted, Caleb had his 15 month checkup. His head is now about average sized, instead of huge (90th percentile last time!). He's still relatively thin, even though he looks like a pudge-ball to me. :P Grandma Shen and Grandma Tang have been making him lots of delicious things to eat and has been working really hard to fatten him up. He's also about average height now and in good health, yay!
Caleb's 13th and 14th teeth are coming in now. I think he had his first 4 molars come in when I posted last time, but I forgot to mention it. He's actually been really good with teething. No fussiness or waking up excessively.
Caleb does lots of new things now. He really picks up on all the things we do and tries to imitate us. For example, I had a cold a few weeks ago and he would take a tissue and pretend to blow his nose just like me :) One of the new things Caleb loves to do now is DANCE! Here's a video of some of his moves:
He also knows all his body parts now. I need to take a new video of this, this one's kind of old and before he knew everything as well :)
Caleb's also learning a lot of hand motions like Twinkle Twinkle little star (but you'll notice that, for some reason, he likes to point to his nose for "like a diamond in the sky." I can't seem to convince him that that's not right :P )
and other songs like With Jesus in the boat. Row Row Row your boat is still one of his favorites as well. Here's another video of him doing the Itsy Bitsy Spider: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnBCOSoyHpM This one's kind of new for him :)
Oh, another milestone change: Caleb now only takes 1 nap and doesn't have separate milk and solid feedings. It's really nice, we have so much more time to play! But even on one nap, Caleb would still much rather play than sleep. Every day, when my mom or I try to put him to nap, he smiles and laughs at us repeatedly to try to convince us to play with him instead of napping. Usually I try hard not to laugh so that he'll sleep, but I decided that I should film it at least once :) So here it is, Caleb's nap time giggles :) :
Enough videos. In other updates, my mom (Grandma Shen) and I also gave Caleb a hair cut. Here's Caleb right before we began: Since Caleb is usually very active and interested in everything, I put on a Baby Einstein DVD for him to watch, which leaves him as you see above - completely mesmerized. We don't normally let him watch TV for this reason :) Anyway, I'm totally afraid of messing up Caleb's hair (and I realize I'm a terrible hair cutter), so I usually cut the absolute minimum to keep him looking like a little boy. But then my mom came and took over and cut much more (which by the way looked much better...except for a bald spot on the back. My little boy is ticklish and he winced while we were cutting! Oh well, it's growing out now :) ) Here's my mom taking over (and Caleb still engrossed in the Baby Einstein DVD): Here's the after shot: Since my mom's been back, Caleb's been walking to the library and park (very close to our house) everyday. He joins the other neighborhood kids for story time & playtime. Gabe and I join the park excursions on the weekends too. Caleb's new thing now is that he loves the slide. But the swings are still his favorite. Whenever he's on it and we ask "Caleb, do you want to get off? Caleb, do you want to go home?" He'll violently shake his head. haha. And when we are leaving, he'll keep pointing at the swings. He just can't get enough of them! Anyway, here's some pics of the walk to the park & playing in the park. We also had quite a few visitors from LA, including: Grandpa Shen Great Auntie Cindy and Great Auntie Emily (my mom's sisters) and Auntie Allison: