Anyway, there's been much excitement in the wonderful world of Caleb. It's just so wonderful to see him grow up and learn. Some of the things Caleb does now (some of this is kind of old...but I haven't updated in a while!)
- "Smile!"
Caleb does a sort of fake smile when you say "Smile!" it's definitely not his best look :P but it's cute anyway!
- "Show me your teeth!"
Caleb is getting tooth #7 and #8 and he loves to show them off when you say "Show me your teeth!"
- Wave "Hi" and Say/Wave "Bye Bye" & Blow Kisses!
Caleb will wave to you if you wave to him and/or if you say "Say Hi!" or "Say bye bye!" Here's him doing "bye bye" (after someone just left the room)
That video's kind of old, he now also blows kisses when he waves. I guess i need a new video :) - "Point to the ____" (he knows Tree, Car, Light, and a few others)
He actually is starting to point to Gabe and I when we say "point to mama" and "point to daddy." But he's much better at pointing to trees and lights. :P - "Find (mama/dada)"
Caleb loves to play hide and seek. We did this first in the exersaucer a long time ago, but since he's been able to crawl and walk on his own, it opens whole new possibilities to get Caleb to crawl/walk/run around the house with a huge smile on his face. I do have a video of it that I've been meaning to upload, but I need to dig through my hundreds of videos to find it. "All done!" and "Hands up!" and "Arms up!"
When you say "all done" and/or "hands/arms up"...Caleb does this!- "How much does (mama/dada) love you?"
We're working on this one. Right now he throws his hands up, but we'd love for him to streach them out really wide! "Give me your foot!"
This is helpful when putting his socks, booties, and shoes on. He also puts his legs in his pants...if he's in the mood to :)
And some oldies but goodies:
- "How old is Caleb"
I blogged about this one already. He learned it shortly after he turned one. It's still one of my favorites :) - "Who am I Caleb?"
This is the first replies he learned. He answers "mama" or "dada." Sometimes he gets tired of it and answers "mamamamamadadadada" haha. - "Sing!"
This is probably the second thing that Caleb figured to do in response. When you say "Caleb...Sing!" he sings his famous Caleb song.
Usually after taking a few videos of Caleb doing something, I stop uploading them...but Grandma and Grandpa Shen love his singing, so I was uploading these for a while. (But now, Caleb calls them and sings to them on the phone instead!) - "High-5!"
Another one he's done for a long time, but it's always encouraging to get a high-5 from a baby :) - "Where's Caleb?"
Again another thing he's done since he was 8 mos or so. He STILL loves this game. - "If you're happy and you know it"
Caleb's been doing this since he learned to clap!
But well, he's always loved that song :)
Ah yes, there's probably more, but I can't remember now. Anyway, some fun things since I last posted:
We went to Christmas in the Park! Caleb loved seeing the lights and various displays. He was very wide-eyed, pointing everywhere (especially at those fake snow machines!) There actually is a big tree behind them, but the lights blink and we happened to get them when they were off :) but you can see the floating star behind the camouflaged tree.
Caleb's now getting more advanced with his megablocks playing. Before he just did destructive things like take them apart and clapped them together, but now he builds a little...see his creation? OK, he didn't actually make that...but he did decapitate it quickly.
Fun with glasses. Caleb & I had a lot of fun while daddy was picking out glasses :) Yes babe, if all else fails, you should model glasses. - And of course, we all had tons 'o fun at Christmas hanging out with the family! Here's some pics:
Caleb got to play iwth his cousin Christopher, see horses, play guitar hero with daddy, do funny mirror tricks, and go to the wild animal park. - We also visited the ball pit, dinosaur, and edible garden at mommy's place of employment :)
Lots of other new videos...I'll upload the site one day...:)